Reliable, quality printing on Cape Breton Island. From business cards to billboards, let's talk about your project today...

Your place for reliable, quality printing
on Cape Breton Island.


Brand matters

  • Business cards
  • Rack cards
  • Brochures
  • Labels
  • Posters
  • Floor Decals
  • Direct mail campaigns 
  • and more…

Let’s get personal

  • Christmas cards
  • Custom calendars
  • Wedding invitations
  • Personalized stationary
  • Save the date notes
  • Birth announcements
  • Birthday cards
  • and more…

Larger than life

  • Storefront signage
  • Political lawn signs
  • Graduation signs
  • Parking restriction signs
  • Window perfed signs
  • Vinyl banners
  • Construction banners
  • and more…

Brand matters

  • Business cards
  • Rack cards
  • Brochures
  • Labels
  • Posters
  • Floor Decals
  • Direct mail campaigns 
  • and more…

Let’s get personal

  • Christmas cards
  • Custom calendars
  • Wedding invitations
  • Personalized stationary
  • Save the date notes
  • Birth announcements
  • Birthday cards
  • and more…

Larger than life

  • Storefront signage
  • Political lawn signs
  • Graduation signs
  • Parking restriction signs
  • Window perfed signs
  • Vinyl banners
  • Construction banners
  • and more…


Quality printing

At Breton Print, we make sure every item is printed and finished with care. If we’re concerned about an original piece or digital file that you’ve given us to work with, we’ll let you know before running a job. We want everything leaving our shop to be something that you will be pleased with and we can be proud of.

Strong Communication

You’ve entrusted your most important job to someone to complete properly, and on time. A great final product is most important, but you don’t want to be stressed until it is in your hands. At Breton Print, we make sure to stay in touch with you along the way – letting you know when we’ve received files and job orders, when you can inspect things like a proof and when you should have your final product in hands.

best value

You need to get your message out and you want it to look great! But you don’t have a big budget to do it. Breton Print works hard to make our everyday prices affordable and competitive. We’re also here to discuss your budget and find custom-tailored solutions that will leave you feeling good about your project without breaking the bank.

Quality printing

At Breton Print, we make sure every item is printed and finished with care. If we’re concerned about an original piece or digital file that you’ve given us to work with, we’ll let you know before running a job. We want everything leaving our shop to be something that you will be pleased with and we can be proud of.

Strong Communication

You’ve entrusted your most important job to someone to complete properly, and on time. A great final product is most important, but you don’t want to be stressed until it is in your hands. At Breton Print, we make sure to stay in touch with you along the way – letting you know when we’ve received files and job orders, when you can inspect things like a proof and when you should have final product in hands.


You need to get your message out and you want it to look great! But you don’t have a big budget to do it. Breton Print works hard to make our everyday prices affordable and competitive. We’re also here to discuss your budget and find custom-tailored solutions that will leave you feeling good about your project with breaking the bank.


I ordered some new cyanotype transparencies from bretonprint, and they came out beautifully. Happy to be getting back to some embroidery soon. 
#cyanotype #cyanotypeprint #cyanotypeproduction #cyanotypie #sunprinting #sunprint #blueprint #handmade #alternativeprocess #alternativephotography
#cyanotypeonfabric #cyanomasters #madewithbretonprint
These playing cards are from the 1920/30s and would’ve been used to play continental rummy. Well ... actually, not all of them are antique! Yes we printed 4 of these 8 cards to complete some antique sets - can you spot them? They are for sale at  @antiquesboutiquebaddeck - check them out in person! We love creative print projects like this so if you’ve got a wild idea - do not hesitate to reach out! #MadeWithBretonPrint #antiques #antiqueplayingcards #continentalrummy #creativeprinting
CLIENT SHOUT-OUT! The 12th Annual Cabot Trail Writer’s Festival starts THIS SUNDAY September 27th! Here’s the festival program we printed for the festival last year. This year, there is no physical program due to COVID-19, but there is still an amazing festival! Join their FREE EVENTS happening on-line, on air and outdoors till October 4! Visit to register and learn more. #CabotTrailWritersFestival #booklovers #madewithBretonPrint #supportsmallbusiness
We’ve been busy getting #HolidayCard orders from you folks the last few days! Here’s high school co-op student Eben Oland in the shop today helping us make those cards. Sometimes our paper arrives in large press sheets bigger than our machine can handle. Eben is cutting sheets by hand to be milled by one of our other slitter/cutter machines before going to print. Just a small example of the hands-on approach Breton Print has to getting your products made. We are so excited to have lots of our locally made cards circulating this holiday season! Call 902-295-1144 to order yours today! #handledwithcare #madewithbretonprint
Do we do custom labels and custom stickers? You bet! Here's to the local dairy folks at Skye Glen Creamery. @skyeglencreamery #madewithbretonprint
Have you heard of Never-Tear paper? Yup - it's as amazing as it sounds! At Breton Print, you can get Business Cards and menus on this amazingly sturdy paper. Did we mention it's water-resistant too? #MadewithBretonPrint #customprinting #CapeBretonBusiness #ShopLocal #BretonPrint #nevertear #waterresistant #custommenus #businesscards
It’s Holiday Greeting Card season! Connecting with loved ones feels more important than ever this year, doesn't it? This Holiday Season, get in touch with a Breton Print greeting card and experience the difference buying local makes. We will make your cards CHEAPER and FASTER than leading online competitors, and with our unparalleled level of personal attention. Link in bio to learn more or call 902-295-1144 to start your Holiday Season off right today! #MadeWithBretonPrint #greetingcards #christmasiscoming #holidayseason #buylocal #buybetter
Did you know that we make custom #calendars? Check out this beauty we made with @thebaddeckremakery! Calendars make great promotional products and gifts. Holiday season is right around the corner! Call 902-295-1144 to talk about your new 2021 calendar. And check out #BaddeckRemakery - they make beautiful things from discarded things! #upcycle #MadewithBretonPrint #timeflies #giftideas #newyear
There’s no time like now to send a card to someone special. And you can make them as unique as you are with Breton Print! Check out these beautiful cards we did with artwork by Wendy Smith. Check out her work at @glassartisans #MadeWithBretonPrint #cards #WriteHereWriteNow #sendacard
CLIENT SHOUT-OUT! We made these beautiful yarn #labels for @theopulentalpaca. Speaking of beautiful - have you seen their ethical and sustainable alpaca yarn? Check out this amazing Cape Breton business located in Inverness. And check out our stories to see more products we’ve made for them! We ❤️ @theopulentalpaca! #MadeWithBretonPrint

“Happy first day of fall! 🍁 We love this fall colour combination in our Alpaca & Wensleydale yarn. Have the leaves started changing where you are?”
#alpacayarn #alpacawool #woollover #yarniesofinstagram #knittersofinstagram #firstdayoffall #yarnlove #alpacalove #igknitters #alpacalover #madeinnovascotia #capebretonfirst #supportsmallbusiness #supportlocal
Have you written all of your Christmas cards yet? I just realized it’s December 14 already... so I’ll better put pen to paper soon 😬 ✒️💌📮


#christmascards #madewithbretonprint #thekautzishop #justacard #smallcardbighug #greetingcards #merrychristmas #illustration #holidayseason #madeincapebreton
CLIENT SHOUT-OUT! We love @bigsprucebrew beer! And even if beer isn’t your thing, did you know they have hard seltzer now? These tent cards are just some of the products we’ve done for this amazing local business. They are open daily from 12-7pm, deliver across Canada, and their food truck is open every Friday-Sunday! #MadeWithBretonPrint #craftbeer #capebretonfirst
Happy Thanksgiving! We loved making this sign as much as we love living in this great province. We are very thankful to be living in a place that has done such a great job flattening the curve and keeping up the fight against COVID-19. Enjoy your long weekend and stay safe! #MadeWithBretonPrint #NovaScotiaStrong
Have you visited @vc.creates lately? This local art & craft gallery is open year-round and has an online store! They sell beautiful products by local artists which include apparel, books and more. We loved making these hang tags for them! #MadewithBretonPrint #customprinting #CapeBretonBusiness #ShopLocal #BretonPrint #hangtags
Love or hate Daylight Savings Time, the days are getting longer and that's got us dreaming about SUMMER! Check out the beautiful shots of Baddeck on the front cover of these #brochures we made for @baddeckmarine - anyone else excited for swimming and warm weather? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Brochures are a great marketing tool for laying out all the key details of your business. They are perfect at your front counter or as a mail out. And the more you buy, the more you save, which means it's easy to spread these far and wide! Let's talk about your next brochure order today. #MadewithBretonPrint #customprinting #CapeBretonBusiness #ShopLocal #BretonPrint #brochures
Happy April everyone! Golf season is almost here - who's ready for spring? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
We are lucky to live in Nova Scotia where socially distanced and small events are permitted. Our Premium Event Tickets are big enough to include all the important information about your next event including COVID-19 protocols. And we think they look pretty good too! #MadewithBretonPrint #customprinting #CapeBretonBusiness #ShopLocal #BretonPrint #customtickets #eventtickets
The amazing Clean Wave Restaurant in Wagmatcook has updated their menu and we loved printing it for them! Head there for dinner to see it for yourself. The new menu also features beautiful artwork by Loretta Gould. Interested in her work? She sells originals, prints, tote bags and more at #MadeWithBretonPrint #CleanWaveRestaurant #LorettaGould #lorettagouldart #artforsale
Looking for a Thanksgiving card? Stop by at the Baddeck Farmers’ Market this coming Saturday! 


#thanksgiving #greetingcards #fall #harvest #thankyou #illustration #shoplocal #madewithbretonprint #kautzicards #kautzi #thekautzishop #ilovecbcraft
Colours! This is something I have been meaning to do for a while: Pooling together my colour palette for a test print. A sheet like this is a great tool to a) check variations and nuances, and b) have as a reference for future print runs. 

Plus, I just like layouting hard proofs. It is something I tend to do for my clients when working on branding and visual identity projects. I enjoy making the most of the restricted space, organizing all relevant info so it ends up being functional and good looking at the same time.

A big thank you to bretonprint, my go-to local printer!


#colours #design #behindthescenes #graphicdesign #illustration #thekautzishop #printdesign #madewithbretonprint #kautzi #madeincapebreton #smallbusiness
Happy Friday! Have a safe and happy weekend folks. Did you know we did custom apparel? Yup! T-shirts, hats, bags - we can do it! And yes, we can include some helpful reminders about keeping your distance. #MadeWithBretonPrint #apparel #customshirts #staysafe #keepyourdistance
We loved working with Iona based photographer Neila MacLellan on these 2021 calendars! Her photographs are beautiful and we think our calendars really show them off. They will inspire you every day with natural Cape Breton beauty or make a great gift! In fact, they have been so popular she's already sold out her first run of them. Email to get one from the second print run - they are $25 tax included!  #madewithbretonprint #2021calendar #capebretonphotographer #ExploreCB #capebreton #giftideas
Happy #Halloween! We hope you have a safe, fun and slightly-spooky Halloween tomorrow night. Speaking of spooky - check out the beautiful cover of the calendar we made for the Baddeck & Area Cat Rescue Society! This 2021 calendar is for sale for $20 and is a fundraiser for this important volunteer organization who work hard to find homes for abandoned cats in Baddeck and area. #happyhalloween #spooky #MadewithBretonPrint #calendar #2021calendar
Happy Friday! Who's ready for the weekend? Maybe it'll feature some delicious beer from @bigsprucebrew? Here are some rack cards we did for this fine Cape Breton craft brewery. We love rack cards because they're versatile and sturdy. They'll stand up nicely in a counter rack display, you could use them as a mail-out, or you can hand them out to clients at your next (COVID-safe) event! #MadewithBretonPrint #customprinting #CapeBretonBusiness #ShopLocal #BretonPrint #rackcards
Doesn't a fresh calendar get you excited about the future? We're feeling optimistic about the year to come and are making big plans too.  What are your big 2021 plans?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
We loved making these for @thebaddeckremakery and @missbrennastudio! Desk and wall calendars make great gifts, promotional tools, and products. And you can get them custom made with us for less than $10 each! Get in touch - let's talk about your next custom calendar project.  #MadewithBretonPrint #customprinting #CapeBretonBusiness #ShopLocal #customcalendar #giftguide #BretonPrint
NEW! Templates and online ordering are here! We think buying your Holiday Greeting Cards just got better and easier. Visit our website to check out our beautiful card templates and order form. Experience the difference buying local makes this holiday greeting card season! #madewithbretonprint #christmascard #holidayseason #greetingcards #CapeBretonFirst
Happy Monday! Anybody reading more these days? There's nothing like a good book on a cold winter day! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Custom bookmarks are a great promo tool. Get 100 for $50 and you'll have 100 customers thinking about you every time they open their book. Not bad eh? Happy reading! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
#MadewithBretonPrint #customprinting #CapeBretonBusiness #ShopLocal #BretonPrint #marketingmaterials #custombookmarks #bookmarks

Business Hours



Business Location

5 Court Street

North Sydney, Nova Scotia


Contact Us

Toll Free: 1-888-691-1191

Local: 902-794-3387